Friday, September 17, 2010

My Right Arm`s Babysitter

Last night was better than expected but still not phenomenal. One of the other teachers is the head baseball coach and I was playing catch with him before the game. That, of course, caused the other team to start laughing when they saw that there was a girl playing with their opponents and that she knew how to throw a ball. And they really started laughing when they saw me start to practice pitching. I was the only woman on the team and the rest were male staff. The female teachers continued their tradition of cheering on the sidelines.

I hit and walked several batters and struck out a few. I didn`t make it all the way through the game because my arm was getting tired. It was nothing to write home about in terms of my performance but I think the teachers were impressed that I had the background of playing, what is considered in Japan, a male sport. I got to bat one time and got thrown out at first. The other female teachers did bat at the end. It is more for the fun of it though rather than being competitive. Most of the female teachers just tried to bunt because they were too scared of the ball.

My arm feels like Jello. It`s not very strong right now because the poor thing went through so much last night. I am sure my muscles would be screaming "Erin! We thought you were finished with us!" if they were capable of independent thought. I rode my bicycle home from the game last night and I had a very difficult time lifting it up the steps to my front door. My left arm has become my right arm`s babysitter. Shampooing my hair, brushing my teeth, and reaching up to the school cubby to get my inside shoes out.

The whole shoe thing in Japan still is awkward for me. Japanese people make a seamless transition from outside shoes to indoor shoes when they walk into a building. I, however, still awkwardly fumble with my indoor shoes. Slip-on flats are the best option. I rarely wear lace-up shoes to school because they are too time-consuming. A lot of teachers wear sandals at school, which I think is a brilliant idea. My clothing vanity, however, forbids me from making a great outfit look horrid with a pair of open-toed sandals and bright red socks.

This weekend will be full of small activities. One of the previous JETs on the island is coming back to visit with her husband. I also need to clean my apartment because hell hath no fury like an apartment not given the proper attention. And I will probably try and practice with the brass band. Playing the trumpet isn`t one of my favorite things to do but if I have been invited, I am not going to turn the request down. The part I look forward to the most is sleeping in. I have discovered something crazy. If you go to bed at 9 pm, you are not tired the next day. Amazing.

1 comment:

Nate Bloss said...

Hi. Im a Peace Corps Volunteer in Namibia. Im about to finish my 2 years and was planning on traveling through Zambia and Malawi to get to Mozambique; then well travel north to Dar Es Salam. I will be traveling with 3 other volunteers and were looking for information on Mozambique.

If you can help me out send me an email at: I would be happy to hear from you; we havnt been able to find much useful information on the internet.

Questions we have:
1. Where should we go? Is there anything in the north to see. Any nice beaches up there? We would prefer to cross Lake Malawi and hang out in the north before heading to Tanzania. But if all the nice beaches are in the South we'll want to travel in that direction.
2. How much are Visa costs, and whats the best way to get one.
3. Ideally we want to take a train from Mozambique to Dar Es Salam. Are there any trains? If not, can we hitch hike (free hike?). We free hike everywhere in Namibia and its it safe in Mozambique? If neither of these are options how are the buses?
4. Do you know any cheap backpackers on archipelago de pacaruto?
5. How would we get to archipelago de pacaruto?
6. How are prices on things?
7. Anything else we should know?

Sorry for all the questions; just answer what you have time to.
