Sunday, July 29, 2007

the Shakers invented clothespins

So what did Erin do today you might ask? Well, let me tell you.

First I finished Eve Ensler's "Insecure at Last," an excellent read for anyone who is interested in feminism and learning about atrocities commited based on gender. And I then read some of "Body Hunters," which is about Western doctors and drug companies testing unapproved drugs on impoverished people. And then I watched TransAmerica, a very good movie (I have rekindled my love for Dolly Parton with her theme song to that movie, "Travelin' Thru"'s a foot-stompin', knee-slappin' kind of a tune. I felt inspired to whip out some spoons and start a jam session) and a documentary on the Shakers. So I had an educational day. I didn't even take a nap, a true sign of productivity. The end.

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