I love this picture. My students saw I had the camera and they were like 'take our picture!' and then immediately hopped on a teacher's bike and put on sunglasses. The boy in the front is holding up a plastic rose. They look like a boyband.
Here's Timba - the devil incarnate, striking fear into the hearts of Mozambicans everywhere.
Me and the REDES girls in front of our display in the library. They designed what they wanted to be after school and behind them, the sign says 'I am a girl. My future is bright!'
Girls in my REDES group working on their embroidering.
A small group of my students during supermodel documentary hour. They love posing for the camera.
The REDES conference in Chimoio last April. It was a lot of fun and gave girls from all over Mozambique a chance to meet each other and learn about different things, such as health, women's rights, income-producing projects and an opportunity to take part in fun activities.
Our house in Monapo. It's pretty comfortable and 80% cement, 20% zinc roof and 100% awesome (which I suppose equals 200% but I'm no math teacher). Makes it difficult to hear when it rains though. We have our two bedrooms on the left side of the house and then the front porch, kitchen and backroom on the right-hand side. We have a fence surrounding our house, giving us some privacy. Our yard can get very matu (bush) pretty quickly.
And I promise to add more soon! Best wishes to everyone!
1 comment:
Oh...How I miss Mozambique, particularly Chimoio.
It's always nice to see photos from Chimoio.
Hope to return there soon =)
Keep going the good work.
best luck
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